2nd ELA

California Common Core State Standard
English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

Benchmark Universe
Digital access to district adopted ELA Benchmark curriculum

Sample Elementary Daily Schedules
This document was designed to serve as guide for planning and is not intended to be replicated as depicted. This is merely a suggestion.

Elementary District Resources
This shared Google drive folder will be the hub for elementary resources used district-wide.

Report to Parents
Click on the icon to see important dates for reports to parents.
Frequently Asked Questions
Recommendations on how to set up your Aeries Gradebook can be found on the HUSD EdTech page.
To connect to your classroom’s ScreenBeam, press Windows + K to bring up a list of devices near you. Tap the name of your ScreenBeam (if you don’t know it, it can be found in the bottom-left corner of the projected image). You will then be asked to enter a PIN code, which will be projected onto your screen.
The EdTech team made this keyboard shortcuts PDF for this and other handy keyboard tips. The second page even includes bonus Chromebook shortcuts for student devices!
Contact the Elementary Team

Gwyn Manzanero
Elementary ELA & History Teaching and Learning Specialist

Brittany Henry-Chavis
Inclusion Teaching and Learning Specialist
Use the following form to ask a question, report a broken link, or suggest a resource.