7th Grade Social Studies

California History-Social Science Standards
California's history–social science standards emphasize historical narrative, highlight the roles of significant individuals throughout history, and convey the rights and obligations of citizenship.

California History Social Science Framework
This framework guides educators as they design, implement, and maintain a coherent course of study.

Hemet USD McGraw Hill Demo Account
Please contact the Social Studies TOSA for login information. For more support, please visit the CA IMPACT Grades 6-12 Padlet for more resources (bit.ly/caimpact; password: IMPACT).

DBQ Online
The DBQ Project was founded in 2000 to support teachers and students in learning to read smart, think straight, and write more clearly.

Literacy Standards for H-SS, Science & Technical Subjects
The Standards set requirements not only for English language arts (ELA) but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the Social Studies Team

Mary Laub
Teaching and Learning Specialist
Use the following form to ask a question, report a broken link, or suggest a resource.